Quick Our products are manufactured by modern computerized machinery and equipment.a specialized supplier of a full range of chains, sprockets, gears, gear racks, V – belts, couplings and reducers, pto shaft, agricultural gearboxes….ISO 9001: 2015 certified manufacturer and distributor of roller chains. Types of roller chains include ASME/ANSI standard chains, attachment chains, corrosion resistant chains, lube – free chains, plastic chains, free – flow chains, specialty chains and British standard chains. ASME/ANSI standard chains are available in large and small pitch, double pitch and leaf styles. Roller chains are used in food packaging, forklift trucks, oilfield drilling, motorcycles, conveyors and power transfer applications.Overview
1 – 059 – 354 NBR 70 FDA EPT® Part Number
241407 – EPT 02983 ( SKU No.)
Inch NRB 70 AS 568 A O – Ring
Buna Nitrile 70 Material
Sold in hundred count lots (1=100pcs)
FDA Approved
5 – 1/8 inch (ID) Inside Diameter
5 – 1/2 inch (OD) Outside Diameter
3/16 inch (CS) Cross Section