Quick With detailed requirments, we can also develop your special designed product. a specialized supplier of a full range of chains, sprockets, gears, gear racks, V – belts, couplings and reducers, pto shaft, agricultural gearboxes….As a result, we have become a comprehensive manufacturer in the motion and control field providing an extensive lineup of products with superior durability, environment – friendliness, and quality.Overview
1 – 162 – 5100 – 875 EPT® Part Number
515618 – EPT 02983 ( SKU No.)
External ANSI (Inch) Retaining Rings
inch Shaft Diameter (B)
inch Groove Diameter (G)
+/ – inch Tollerance
inch Groove Width (W)
+ – inch Tollerance
inch Ring Thickness (T)
+/ – inch Tollerance
inch Ring Diameter (F)
+ – inch Tollerance
inch Diameter ( C)
Lbs Thrust Load